Как открыть производство ликероводочной продукции в Украине.

Разрешение на производство алкогольной продукции в Украине, открытие производства алкогольной продукции под ключ.

  • Полный комплекс услуг.
  • Кратчайшие сроки.
  • Высокое качество.
  • Гарантия результата.

Базовая стоимость

250000.00 грн.


The manufacture of alcoholic beverages is always a profitable business. Despite the commodity excise tax, this company has many advantages, including:

  • available cost of raw materials;
  • medium and high price of products;
  • long shelf life of alcoholic beverages, which allows them to be realized with maximum benefit.

    There fore, if you are determined to occupy an empty niche in business, you can safely seek help from the specialists of the Euro-Vector law firm. We will help you prepare documents for the production of alcoholic beverages, which will ensure the legality of your company.


    The EUROVECTOR Law Firm is your reliable support when opening a distillery. We will help to organize both full-cycle production and a business that will purchase part of the components of the product. Cooperating with us, you can be sure of high-quality services:

    • Consulting on the appropriate organizational and legal form for your company;
    • Registration of a business entity:
    • legal entity - LLC enterprise with foreign investments, etc.
    • Tax planning;
    • Assistance in the organization of registration of title documents for property: rent/purchase of premises, equipment, legalization of construction objects;
    • Registration of documents for a land plot for the construction of distillery production;
    • Coordination of the assortment, development and registration of technical regulations of production;
    • Development of branding, company style, trademark registration;
    • Paperwork, approval and receipt of technical data for the design of production processes;
    • Plant/production/workshop design;
    • Design development: landscape, exterior, interior production according to the developed style of the company;
    • Selection of production equipment, lines, machines, mechanisms for the production of alcoholic beverages;
    • Selection of building materials;
    • Preparation of estimate documentation for all items of production construction;
    • Approval of project documentation;
    • Obtaining a permit for the construction of production;
    • Execution of construction works;
    • Technological equipment;
    • Product labeling development, product packaging design development according to the company's style;
    • Execution of commissioning works;
    • Commissioning of production, obtaining permits from all authorities for production and products;
    • Training of technologist, personnel in the production process, occupational safety, industrial safety, fire safety;
    • Development and implementation of industrial, fire, and sanitary safety systems at work;
    • Implementation of quality systems and certification of production;
    • Development and approval of contracts with suppliers and partners;
    • Development and implementation of an automated accounting control system at each stage of the production process and product sales;
    • Preparation of documentation for participation in tender purchases, preparation of documentation for the sale of products in supermarkets and other wholesale and retail sites;
    • Organization of the import of raw materials for production needs, registration of documents for the export of finished products produced by your company and much more;
    • Organization and training of accounting, personnel department, laboratory assistants, technologist, managers in their functional responsibilities and work in the process automation system;
    • Legal services from the company "EURO-VECTOR".

    The EURO-VECTOR law firm will help create a successful business from scratch, ensure its legality and the absence of problems with legislation. Our services are available to everyone, and highly qualified specialists are ready to help at any time. You can order both full legal support for starting a business, and the execution of one of the legal procedures (execution of individual documents).

    We organize investment projects throughout Ukraine!

     more detailed

    How do liqueurs differ?

    In addition to the alcohol base, manufacturers add various products that should soften the taste of alcohol in the drink. For example, it can be essences (essential oils) of herbs, citrus fruits, honey, etc. Sugar is often replaced with caramel or glucose. The procedure provides a richer and richer aroma, but can also lead to the appearance of natural precipitation.

    Artificial flavors are also often used, which give the liqueur popular flavors of coffee, banana, coconut, citrus, etc. Well-known brands can experiment with taste qualities: for example, this is how the nut liqueur "Angelico" appeared, which contains an essence from 56 herbs.

    For strength liqueurs can be divided into three groups:

    • strong. In them, the alcohol content reaches 45%, and the percentage of sugar is up to 50%;
    • dessert dishes. They contain 21-33% alcohol and a similar amount of sugar;
    • cream. In cream liqueurs, alcohol is from 12 to 23%.

    Cream liqueurs have a thick consistency. They are characterized by different colors, which makes them an excellent addition to cocktails or desserts.

    Features of the production of alcoholic beverages

    In Ukraine, the number of distilleries has significantly decreased in recent years due to the high excise tax. But it has become an excellent prospect for those who want to open their own business in this industry, producing more expensive products.

    According to the legislation, alcoholic beverages can be considered products that contain more than 0.5% ethyl alcohol in the composition.

    There are two production options:

    • natural fermentation of sugar-based materials. Such alcoholic products are more expensive. But their production also takes more time and requires more labor. It is necessary to carefully adhere to the conditions of the technological process, have the appropriate equipment, otherwise the product may not meet the expected and declared result;
    • production on the basis of food alcohols. This is a more technologically simple procedure, but it is worth considering that only state-owned enterprises can produce ethyl alcohol, rectified grape ethyl alcohol and rectified fruit ethyl alcohol. Accordingly, such concentrated alcohol should be purchased: criminal liability is provided for its independent production

    Private enterprises for the production of alcoholic beverages (legal entities) can only obtain a license for the following types of alcohol:

    • cognac alcohol. It is obtained by processing cognac wine materials. Such alcohol can be stored for a long time in oak barrels, stainless steel or enameled containers. It is great for long-term aging of the drink;
    • fruit alcohol. To obtain material for further processing, fruit and berry crops are fermented using a special technology;
    • fruit alcohol is raw. Distillate that is obtained by re-processing fruits already used for winemaking;
    • grape spirit distillate. It is also created through the distillation of wine materials. Pressed yeast and condensed precipitates, grape pomace, unsuitable grape wines, etc. can be used in the process. The alcohol content in the alcohol distillate is from 70 to 80% by volume;
    • bioethanol. Dehydrated ethyl alcohol, which is used as biofuel.

    Distillery production is carefully controlled by the executive bodies. In this case, the documents for the production of alcoholic beverages are an important component of the company's work.

    By contacting us, you can be sure that we will take into account all the subtleties of each process separately. We work all over Ukraine! Call us +38 (048) 771 - 91 – 05.



Список документов



Правоустанавливающие документы на земельный участок и объект недвижимого имущества (договор купли-продажи, свидетельство о праве собственности, извлечение из реестра и др)



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Другие документы, определенные после предварительной консультации




Открыть производство ликероводочной продукции - стоимость

Перечень мероприятий




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  • Оформление документов на земельный участок под строительство производства ликероводочной продукции
  • Согласование ассортимента, разработка и регистрация технических регламентов производства
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  • Разработка дизайна: ландшафта, экстерьера, интерьера производства согласно разработанному стилю компании
  • Подбор производственного оборудования, линий, машин, механизмов для производства ликероводочной продукции
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  • Выполнение строительных работ
  • Технологическое оснащение
  • Разработка маркировки продукции, разработка дизайна упаковки продукции согласно стилю компании
  • Выполнение пусконаладочных работ
  • Ввод в эксплуатацию производства, получение документов разрешительного характера от всех инстанций на производство и продукцию
  • Обучение технолога, персонала производственному процесу, охране труда промышленной безопасности, пожарной безопасности
  • Разработка и внедрение системы промышленной, пожарной, санитарной безопасности на производстве
  • Внедрение систем качества и сертификация производства
  • Разработка и согласование договоров с поставщиками и партнерами
  • Разработка и внедрение автоматизированной системы контроля учета на каждом этапе производственного процесса и реализации продукции
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Итого 55 мин

Итого установленные договором сроки.


Уважаемые читатели, партнеры, клиенты компании. Мы стараемся поддерживать наши статьи, описанные в услугах, в актуальном состоянии и оперативно вносить изменения в них, однако, ЮК ЕВРО-ВЕКТОР не гарантирует, что услуги, процедуры, перечень документов, государственные платежи или стоимость наших услуг, описанные в этой статье, актуальны на момент прочтения статьи Вами.

Статьи к услугам, описанные на сайте ЮК ЕВРО-ВЕКТОР, – видение и мнение авторов, а сами услуги, предлагаемые юридической компанией, носят рекомендательный характер и отражают актуальность законодательных актов на момент публикации услуги.

Информация, ссылки на законодательство или на другие статьи по услугам ЮК ЕВРО-ВЕКТОР не гарантируют их актуальность или полный объем, поскольку:

1 На сегодняшний день законодательство Украины имеет тенденцию к постоянным изменениям, дополнениям и исключениям.

2 Информации может быть достаточно для предоставления услуг компанией ЮК ЕВРО-ВЕКТОР, но недостаточно для самостоятельного применения. Прежде чем самостоятельно осуществлять процедуры, описанные в этой статье, услуге, следует внимательно ознакомиться с актуальным законодательством. Кроме законодательства существуют также практические аспекты его применения и технические особенности различных процедур.

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