Accounting and Legal Services for Small Business in Ukraine

Accounting outsourcing

  • Full range of services.
  • As soon as possible.
  • High quality.
  • Guaranteed results.

Base cost

4600.00 UAH



1 Accounting compliance. The service may include the following:

  • Development and implementation of accounting policy for the enterprise.
  • Registration of internal primary documentation (issuance of business trips, waybills, write-offs and movements of goods and materials, etc.).
  • Treasury services (bank account administration - preparation of bank payment orders and/or applications for the necessary payments, as well as communication with servicing banks).
  • Analysis of the received primary documents for compliance with the legislation and their registration is reflected in the accounting system of the accounting software product.
  • Implementation of reconciliations with counterparties on incoming and outgoing primary documentation.
  • Preparation of financial statements in accordance with Ukrainian accounting standards.
  • Preparation and submission of mandatory statistical reports.


2 Payroll services may include:

  • Payroll twice a month (advance and full payment);
  • Calculation of additional charges provided for by an employment contract or an implemented remuneration system (overtime, bonuses, other compensation payments ..).
  • Calculation of charges on average earnings (vacation, sick leave, etc.).
  • Performing calculations when employees are dismissed.
  • Calculation of taxes and contributions from remuneration of individuals working under civil law contracts.
  • Calculation of personal income tax when calculating additional benefits to individuals.
  • Preparation of payslips, payslips and their distribution to employees.
  • Providing explanations on payroll and taxes.
  • Preparation and submission of mandatory reporting on salaries and other accruals and payments to individuals.
  • Preparation of bank statements for the transfer of salaries to employees.
  • Collection of all documentation necessary for payroll.
  • Preparation of detailed reports on wages, taxes and other charges.
  • Preparation of a transaction report for subsequent upload to the customer's accounting system.
  • Preparation of documents for tax audits.


3 HR administration services may include:

  • Formation of personal files of employees.
  • Creation and maintenance of a register of orders/personnel documentation.
  • Development or adaptation of employment contracts, job descriptions, internal regulations on remuneration, bonuses and internal regulations.
  • Implementation of measures for the admission and dismissal of employees.
  • Implementation of measures on personnel documentation related to employee vacations.
  • Registration of timesheets.
  • Implementation of measures for the processing of sick leave, registration of applications for the financing of sick leave from the Social Insurance Fund.
  • Drafting of certificates of employment and/or income certificates at the request of employees.
  • Organization of registration of other documents on personnel records management.


4 Tax compliance. The service may include the following:

  • Preliminary tax planning before starting a business.
  • Tax planning of business operations in the course of economic activity.
  • Formation of tax invoices and their registration in the unified register of tax invoices, verification of registration and accuracy of filling out tax invoices issued by suppliers.
  • Communication with suppliers on the timely registration of tax invoices, as well as the correctness of their filling.
  • Formation and submission of a monthly VAT declaration.
  • Formation and submission of the income tax declaration (based on the provided accounting data / primary documents of the customer).
  • Analysis of the customer's expense items from the point of view of the possibility of inclusion in tax expenses.
  • Tax accounting of fixed assets and intangible assets:
    • accrual of tax depreciation;
    • expenses for capital and current repairs, modernization and reconstruction.
  • Analysis of the main indicators of profit declarations, recommendations for eliminating potential risks and ways to minimize them.
  • Verification of the correctness of filling out reports on the provided credentials prepared by the customer's employees.
  • Formation and submission of reporting forms for other taxes.
  • Interaction with tax authorities on issues of previously filed declarations.
  • Monitoring the timeliness of filing tax, statistical, etc. reports, monitoring the completeness and timeliness of payment of relevant payments to the budget.
  • Monitoring of the tax legislation of Ukraine and notifying the customer of changes that may affect its business activities.


5 Dividends. The service may include the following:

  • Accrual of dividends of participants in corporate relations.
  • Calculation of taxes, contributions and fees for dividends according to Ukrainian legislation and international agreements (if the owner of corporate rights is a foreigner).
  • Preparation of an application to the bank for the payment of dividends.
  • Support of the bank's financial monitoring procedure in the process of dividend payment.


6 Other services. The service may include the following:

  • Providing advice on accounting, labor and tax legislation.
  • Conducting an analysis of accounting and tax accounting for past periods in order to identify errors and potential tax risks.
  • Restoration of accounting for previous periods.




To provide accounting services to the enterprise specialists of our company will study in detail the accounting policy of the enterprise, the form of accounting, the system and forms of on-farm accounting, reporting and control of business operations, the rules of document circulation, the material and technical base, your wishes regarding the taxation system, after which they will draw up the necessary list of documents.


Assignment: distribution of the company's profit, payment of dividends to the company's participants (founders)


Name of service

Service package



Registration of a task for making payments to dividends



Appointment of a responsible person



Setting deadlines



Providing access to the customer to monitor the progress of the task and control the time spent



Registering the start of a task



Sending instructions to the legal department, on the implementation of monitoring of legislative changes, on the payment of dividends, accounting for international agreements, on double taxation and informs the customer and the accounting department



The legal department informs the customer and the accounting department about the current state of legislation



Accounting department-draws up an operation plan



Performs accounting procedures according to the plan of operations: accrual of dividends, payment of taxes, submission of an application to the bank for payment of dividends; and informs the legal department about the need for legal monitoring based on the results of the bank's financial control over the relevant Transaction



Legal department-based on the results of monitoring the bank's financial control over the payment of two days, at the request of the bank, if necessary, provides additional information and documents)



The legal department, after receiving permission from the financial control to transfer dividends, transmits the information to the accounting department



The accounting department transfers dividends to the account of the company's participants



Registering task completion


Accounting services and financial reporting in Ukraine - cost of services:

List of events




Accountant consultation in Ukrainian, English, Russian

up to 20 minutes

UAH 4000,00 

Order a consultation


Name of service

Basic volume of services in hours

Service package cost


Accounting and financial reporting for non-profit organizations in Ukraine: public organizations, charities, non-profit cooperatives, non-profit public and charitable associations, political parties

4 hours per month UAH 4600,00



Accounting and financial reporting on estimated income: limited liability companies (LLC), private enterprises (PE), joint-stock companies, general companies, companies with increased liability, profitable cooperatives

2 hours per month UAH 4600,00



Accounting and financial reporting for non-profit organizations in Ukraine with a small number of participants

3 hours per month UAH 7000,00



Accounting and financial reporting for enterprises with foreign investments

3 hours per month UAH 7000,00



Accounting and financial reporting for foreign representative offices of non-governmental organizations in Ukraine (NGOs)

3 hours per month UAH 7000,00



Accounting and financial reporting for representative offices of foreign companies in Ukraine

3 hours per month UAH 7000,00
  Services outside the package 1 hour UAH 2000,00

Legal outsourcing of small business in Ukraine - the cost of services:

List of events




Legal advice in Ukrainian, Russian, English

up to 20 minutes

UAH 2000,00 


Name of service

Easy start package

Comfort package
1 Analysis of the material and technical base, drawing up a list of measures necessary to bring the internal documentation of the enterprise to the legislative norms  
2 Development of a schedule to eliminate violations  
3 Bringing legal documents in line with legislative norms  
7 Bringing business relationships with counterparties in line with business legislation  
8 Bringing civil and labor relations with contractors, individuals and employees of the company in accordance with the law  
9 Pre-trial dispute resolution  
10 Obtaining and updating all necessary expert opinions, permits, certificates, licenses for the legal implementation of business activities  
11 Bringing title documents to the land plot, buildings in accordance with the norms and requirements  
12 Analysis of investment objects and support of purchase and sale transactions, lease  
13 Accompaniment of construction investment  
14 Accompanying inspections by executive authorities  
15 Appeal against illegal actions, inaction of public authorities  
Basic cost of legal services for 1 month 40000,00 UAH
up to 8 business hours
60000,00 UAH
up to 12 business hours
Cost for each subsequent hour above base hours 4000,00 UAH 4000,00 UAH

Per month

40000 UAH/UAH

For more detailed information about the cost of services, check with specialists!


EUROVECTOR LAW COMPANY has been providing services to individuals and legal entities since 2008. We have developed the company and gained respect for ourselves thanks to the chosen concept of powerful principles: competence, confidence, legitimacy and reliability. The clients of the company receiving services from us feel these four principles of guarantees and choose us as reliable partners and worthy advisers in achieving their intentions. But every new client, like us, has a goal!


Find a decent contractor, get a quality service from him in a short time and make a generous reward to such a contractor.


Find a decent customer, provide him with a quality service in a short time and get a decent reward.


1Ordering a preliminary consultation.

2Determination with a specialist of the company of the list of activities necessary to achieve the goals of the customer.

3Displaying certain services and activities for them in a service agreement.

4Conclusion of the contract: in electronic form (public contract) in accordance with the legislation on e-commerce or at the company's office.


      Payment for company services - remuneration:  ▼


  • to the company's current account according to the electronic invoice. After the conclusion of the contract, the manager sends a link to the e-invoice payment page. After payment, the customer will receive a fiscal receipt by e-mail confirming payment for services;
  • to the company's current account according to the printed invoice. After the conclusion of the contract, the manager sends an invoice to the customer's e-mail or personally in the company's office for payment of services. The customer makes payment at a bank branch or in the electronic account of his bank. After payment at a bank branch or through a personal banking account, the Customer will receive a receipt from the bank confirming payment for services;
  • in cash at the company's office;
  • on the official website of the company - online store UK EUROVECTOR.


6Achievement of the set goal by both parties.



The conclusion of a public contract in accordance with the legislation on electronic commerce or the conclusion of an agreement at the company's office and receipt of payment confirmation (receipt or fiscal check) is a legal confirmation of the fact of the conclusion of the contract. From that moment on, both parties guarantee to fulfill the terms of the contract:

  • customer - provide the necessary documents and information for the company to perform services, make payment;
  • company - perform services.





City: Odesa

ADDRESS:  St. Velyka Arnautska 45

Time of receipt: Monday - Friday 10:00АМ - 5:30РМ



consultations: seven days a week 09:00АМ - 7:30РМ

Chat Center: seven days a week 09:00АМ - 9:30РМ


Registration for admission is carried out on the following contacts:


 +38 (094) 9973105
 +38 (093) 1907047
 +38 (098) 1891818
 +38 (099) 5182838

Messengers: WeChat ID: eurovector2008




City: Mykolayiv

ADDRESS: st. Artilleriyskaya 19/1, office 305

Time of receipt:an appointment with the Mykolayiv city office will resume after the end of martial law. The provision of services is carried out remotely.


consultations: seven days a week 09:00АМ - 7:30РМ

Chat Center: seven days a week 09:00АМ - 9:30РМ


Registration for admission is carried out on the following contacts:


 +38 (094) 9973105
 +38 (093) 1907047
 +38 (098) 1891818
 +38 (099) 5182838

Messengers: WeChat ID: eurovector2008




City: Kyiv

ADDRESS: st. George Kirpa 2-B

Time of receipt: an appointment with the Kyiv city office will resume after the end of martial law. The provision of services is carried out remotely.


consultations: seven days a week 09:00АМ - 7:30РМ

Chat Center:seven days a week 09:00АМ - 9:30РМ


Registration for admission is carried out on the following contacts:


 +38 (094) 9973105
 +38 (093) 1907047
 +38 (098) 1891818
 +38 (099) 5182838

Messengers: WeChat ID: eurovector2008



  • Time zone in Ukraine - Eastern European Time (EET): summer time - UTC +3, standard time - UTC +2.


Call the office of the legal company EUROVECTOR or fill out an application on the website - 5 minutes.

Administrator answer, appointment for a consultation with a specialist - 5 min.

Pays for the consultation, provides the company with information, documents for a preliminary consultation - 10 min.

Contacts the customer, studies his goals, facts, circumstances, documents and conducts a consultation - draws up a list of activities and documents necessary to achieve the goal - from 20 minutes.

Orders the services of the company specified in the consultation to achieve the final goal - 10 min.

Draws up a contract, accepts an order for services necessary to achieve the goals of the customer - 10 min.

Provides documents and takes part if necessary.

Performs the service - established by the contract timing.

Receives performed services from LC EUROVECTOR - 20 min.

Transfers the completed services to the Customer - 20 min.

Total - 45 minutes

Total terms established by the contract.


Dear readers, partners, clients of the company. We try to keep our articles described in the services up to date and promptly make changes to them, however, LC EUROVECTOR does not guarantee that the services, procedures, list of documents, government payments or the cost of our services described in this article are up to date at the time of reading the article by you.

Articles for services, described on the website of the LC EUROVECTOR, – the vision and opinion of the authors, and the services themselves, offered by the law firm, are advisory in nature and reflect the relevance of legislative acts at the time of publication of the service.

Information, references to legislation or to other articles on the services of LC EUROVECTOR do not guarantee their relevance or full scope, since:

1 Today the legislation of Ukraine has a tendency to constant changes, additions and exceptions.

2 The information may be sufficient for the provision of services by LC EUROVECTOR, but not enough for independent use. Before you independently carry out the procedures described in this article, service, you should carefully read the current legislation. In addition to legislation, there are also practical aspects of its application and technical features of various procedures.

We will be grateful if you contact our specialists.

Question. In connection with the introduction of martial law, are there any changes in the payment of land tax?

  • Answer. Yes, from March 1 of the current year until the end of the year following the year in which the end of martial law is marked, the tax on land and land plots where hostilities were fought or occupied by the Russian military is not charged.

Question. Now, in connection with the introduction of martial law, the employer must warn about the dismissal of employees 2 months in advance, as it was before? For example, when laying off staff.

  • Answer. Yes, it should. The introduction of martial law does not cancel the requirements of the Labor Code. However, dismissal in this case is permissible if it is not possible to transfer the employee with his consent to another job.

Question. Due to the current situation, I left for Poland. I had to look for a job, I found it. Do I need to quit my previous job?

  • Answer. If your employer does not offer you to switch to remote work, and you are forced to look for work in another country, and you managed to find a job, then it is better to terminate the employment relationship, in accordance with the requirements of current legislation.

Question. How to register employees if it is believed that hostilities are taking place in the region? Some have traveled outside the country, while others are simply at home.

  • Answer. If the specifics of the work allows you to transfer the employee to remote work, then this will be the best solution. Or you can arrange a vacation, both paid annual and unpaid.

Question. Tell me, please, how do we pay under the lease agreement under martial law?

  • Answer. Nothing changes unless the contract states otherwise. But it is taken into account that the relationship between the tenant and the landlord may change or stop completely. This is possible if the rental object is damaged and cannot be further used, the property was seized for military needs, and other force majeure circumstances.

Question. Tell me, please, the management of the enterprise suspended the employment contracts, referring to the fact that later all payments are compensated at the expense of the aggressor country. Is it so?

  • Answer. Yes, the reimbursement of wages and unpaid Single Social Tax to employees (for the purpose of calculating the insurance period) is provided for at the expense of the aggressor state. But the mechanism of such compensation involves the submission of lawsuits according to the rules of international law. It is not worth expecting that these issues will be resolved quickly.

Question. Tell me, is it true that the law on some changes in the conditions of early retirement has come into force?

  • Answer. Right. According to this law, it is allowed ahead of schedule, 1.5 years before reaching retirement age, to assign pensions to those who have a full insurance record and whose employment contract has been terminated due to a reduction in staff or the liquidation of an enterprise. Also, early pensions will be assigned to mothers and parents of children with serious, rare diseases who have not been diagnosed with disability.

Question. I have several shop workers were mobilized. To continue the work of the enterprise began to look for a replacement. I found a good specialist, offered good conditions as at the moment, but he refused. I was very surprised by his refusal, to which I received an answer that when the mobilized worker returns, I do not want to look for a new job again. Can I get an explanation?

  • Answer. In March, the country adopted a law "On the organization of labor relations under martial law." The law stipulates, among other things, the conclusion of a fixed-term contract with a new employee for the period of his replacement of the mobilized employee.

Question. May is already coming to an end, and the company has not yet given us a salary for April. I asked the director when they would be issued, - he kept silent. How to be?

  • Answer. According to the law on the organization of labor relations under martial law, the employer is released from liability for violation of the terms of payment of wages if he confirms that the delay in payment is due to force majeure circumstances, but this does not relieve him from the payment itself.

Question. Upon dismissal, they didn’t give me a work book, they said it was lost, but instead they gave me a copy of the order. Tell. And how will I get a job? With this paper?

  • Answer. According to the law, on the day of dismissal, the employee must be given a copy of the dismissal order and a work book. If the work book is really lost, then the employer must issue a duplicate. And yet, from June 2021, during a 5-year transition period, the parallel use of a paper work book and an electronic form of information about labor activity is allowed.

Question. Please tell me, do we pay property tax as usual or can we not pay yet?

  • Answer. In connection with the imposition of martial law, the tax for 2021 on real estate located in the war zone or in the temporarily occupied territory may not be paid within the previously established period of 60 days.

Question. Is it true that if an enterprise is located in a temporarily occupied territory, a war zone, and an employee applies for dismissal of his own free will, then nothing needs to be worked out?

  • Answer. According to the Law "On the organization of labor relations during martial law", in connection with the conduct of hostilities in the area where the enterprise is located, and the existence of a threat to the life and health of the employee, you can apply for dismissal of your own free will, and after making sure that the application accepted, you have the right not to go to work after the date of the specified dismissal.

Question. My classmate, who currently lives in the United States, and I decided to open a charity fund for children affected by the war in the country. But they tell me that I cannot register alone, I need at least two founders.

  • Answer. If we are talking about registering a charitable foundation, then you can register the foundation as the sole founder.

Question. The enterprise, after the introduction of martial law, was still working for some time, but then the situation developed such that it stopped working. How should I deal with the payment of wages, with the payment of taxes? We have almost zero.

  • Answer. There are two possible options. Employees can apply for leave without pay, thus there will be no basis for tax calculation. But write voluntarily. Or else arrange a simple enterprise. But there is an important point here. If the downtime of the enterprise is not the fault of the employee, then the employer is obliged to pay the entire period of downtime at the rate of at least 2/3 of the employee's established salary, and, accordingly, taxes.

Question. I have applied for resignation. Under martial law, how is the dismissal going?

  • Answer. According to the Code of Labor Laws, the owner or a body authorized by him is obliged on the day of dismissal to issue to the employee a copy of the order (instruction) on dismissal, make settlements with him within the established time limits, and also, at the request of the employee, make appropriate entries about dismissal in the work book. That is, until the day a copy of the dismissal order is issued to the employee, he formally remains an employee. And the introduction of martial law does not cancel these provisions of the Labor Code.

Question. You can get information on the possibility of introducing remote work, canceling remote work and processing downtime. In the event of hostilities. Thanks in advance.

  • Answer. If force majeure circumstances threaten the health and life of employees, then it is possible by order (instruction) of the owner of the enterprise or his authorized representative to introduce a form of remote work. The employee must familiarize himself with such an order (instruction) within two days from the date of adoption, but until the introduction of remote work. But the employer has the right to cancel remote work introduced by order if there are no grounds for working under such conditions. The introduction of downtime at the enterprise through no fault of the employee's inaction provides for the observance of certain rules, for example, the payment of wages at the rate of at least two-thirds of the employee's tariff rate.

Question. My worker left under a contract to defend the country. As long as he doesn't work, I don't owe him anything, do I?

  • Answer. Wages are accrued to the mobilized worker in the same manner as before the mobilization. You, as an employer, must issue an order for his dismissal for the duration of his service, but with the preservation of average earnings. If the employee does not want the money to be credited to the "salary card", he can write an application for the transfer of all payments due to him to another card account, indicating the details of this account. If the employer pays wages in cash from the cash desk of the enterprise, then the mobilized employee can issue a power of attorney to receive his salary to another person. In case of violation of this payment procedure, the employer will be held liable in accordance with the law.

Question. Is there any liability of the director of the enterprise in case of untimely payment of wages? The director does not get in touch, but we work.

  • Answer. You can immediately say that if the director does not get in touch for a long time, then you can documentally transfer the management of the enterprise to his deputy, for example. Late payment of wages, in this case, is associated with force majeure circumstances, military operations. But this does not exempt the director or other temporary manager from the payment itself.

Question. Is it true that soon it will be possible to submit information about beneficiaries in electronic form?

  • Answer. Probably yes. The Verkhovna Rada supported the relevant presidential bill in the first reading. The document provides for the possibility of quick and convenient electronic submission of information without notarization of copies of documents.

Question. Tell me, please, what is the current situation regarding the introduction of tokens?

  • Answer. The introduction of the mandatory use of an electronic signature on a secure medium was postponed for the period of martial law and for 6 months from the date of its termination.

Question. The accountant of our company left Ukraine and does not get in touch, can you resume accounting, calculate salaries and submit reports? 08/16/2022

  • Answer. Yes, we will definitely help you. Leave your contacts and an accountant will contact you.

Question. On July 29, my employee quit. He wants to register with the employment center for unemployment benefits. I don't have an accountant, so I found the services of an accountant on your website and I want to ask. Do I need to file a tax return with Single Social Tax now or after September 30? If now, what report should be submitted? 08/19/2022

  • Answer. An employee will not be able to register as unemployed at the employment center until the employer provides information about his dismissal. To do this, you need to submit a "Reporting" as a "Reference" Tax calculation for the 3rd quarter of 2022. as part of the main calculation + Appendix 1 for July + Appendix 5. The deadlines for submitting the Calculation with the form type "Reference" are not provided for by the current legislation, so you can submit it at any time. If you have any difficulties with filling out and submitting reports, we will be happy to help, please contact us!

Question. Due to hostilities, the accountant left the country and does not get in touch. There is also no access to primary documents, but the work of the enterprise continues. What to do in such a situation? How to report to the tax authorities, submit reports? 08/22/2022

  • Answer. In accordance with the legislation of Ukraine, accounting must be kept continuously and on the basis of primary documents. The real way out in your situation is to contact accounting specialists. Our company can offer you the services of an accountant, we will restore accounting and put things in order in documents. You can contact us in any convenient way, all contacts are on our website.

Question. What can the income of non-profit organizations be used for in order not to lose the status of non-profit? 09/03/2022

  • Answer. Your question does not specify which non-profit organization (NGO). For different NGOs, there are different ways of using income. But the following areas may be common: any payments to employees provided for by the Labor Code and the employment contract; payments that finance the costs of maintaining an NGO and the implementation of tasks defined by the charter; there may also be the acquisition of any work/service or any product, if such acquisition is consistent with the goals of the NGO. Given the specifics of the status of non-profitability, it is better to trust professionals in finance and accounting issues, contact an accountant with at least 5 years of experience.

Question. I heard information that now during the period of martial law, annual leave can be divided into parts, while parts of the leave can be of any duration. I asked the accountant of our company, she has not yet given an answer. 09/07/2022

  • Answer. It is true that during the period of martial law there is a simplified regime for regulating labor relations. When submitting reports to the tax office, accountants should be aware of all such changes introduced. If in the standard mode the main continuous part of the vacation must be at least 14 days, now you can divide the vacation into any parts.

Question. Who can become a resident of Diya City and what are the benefits? 09/18/2022

  • Answer. The Diia City regime is beneficial with low tax burdens. A resident of Diya City can be a legal entity registered in Ukraine (ie FOP cannot be in Diya City), which: 1. Carries out activities according to the established list (one or more). 2. The average remuneration of gig specialists and employees' salaries is at least 1200 euros. 3. The average number of employees and gig-specialists is at least 9. 4. Qualified income is at least 90% of the total income. If you have a desire to become a resident of Diya City, please contact our specialists for advice. If necessary, we will register a legal entity, resident of Diya City, we organize accounting, calculation of taxes from activities and taxes on wages, personnel records and document flow of the organization.

Question. I am a migrant and had difficulty finding a job in a nearby town. Previously, I called up the management of the enterprise, represented by an accountant, and I was told that I had an employment contract with a simplified regime and that it would be sent to me by e-mail. It seems to me that something is not right here. Why is the accountant not involved in reporting, but discussing hiring? Maybe I'm wrong, tell me, please. 09/27/2022

  • Answer. It may also be that the company's accountant is engaged in hiring, since in small enterprises the accountant can also deal with personnel issues. And about the employment contract by e-mail, too, everything is true. Now there is such a way of communication, the documents are considered valid.

Question. I heard that now, for the duration of martial law, they introduced a simplified version of the contract with an employee. Is this true and what will it give me as a businessman? 10/05/2022

  • Answer. It is true that on August 19, some changes in the regulation of labor relations came into force, but only for the period of martial law. So immediately after the lifting of martial law, the employment contract concluded in a simplified version will need to be renegotiated taking into account the standards provided for in the Labor Code. But these changes apply only to employers who have no more than 250 employees, including part-time workers, or if the employee has a monthly income (and salary, and bonuses, and bonuses) of at least 8 minimum wages. Given these changes in the law and the lack of a full explanation from the tax, it will be more reliable to contact the appropriate specialist. An accountant, a highly qualified specialist of our company, will be able to cover this issue in more detail during a consultation.

Question. Is administrative liability applied for violating the procedure for maintaining tax records during the period of martial law? 10/15/2022

  • Answer. The legislation provides that the absence of tax accounting, violation by the heads and other officials of enterprises, institutions, organizations of the statutory procedure for maintaining tax accounting, entails the imposition of a fine in the amount of five to ten tax-free minimum incomes of citizens. Although, according to the Law of Ukraine "On the protection of the interests of the subjects of reporting and other documents during the period of martial law or a state of war" administrative and/or criminal liability for failure to submit or late submission of reports does not apply, but this Law does not apply to tax legal relations. To avoid bringing to administrative responsibility, we advise you to contact our specialists in accounting and tax accounting for advice.

Question. Can a non-profit organization provide charitable support without losing status? 10/23/2022

  • Answer. Under normal conditions, the norms of the TCU provide that public organizations, charitable foundations can use the collected funds without tax consequences only for the maintenance of the organization and the fulfillment of the tasks provided for by the constituent documents. However, in the conditions of martial law, non-profit organizations, regardless of the sign of non-profitability and regardless of the goals of their activities, according to their constituent documents, can provide charitable support to the Armed Forces of Ukraine, the Security Service of Ukraine and others, formed in accordance with the laws of Ukraine, military formations, their formations, military units, divisions, institutions or organizations maintained at the expense of the state budget, for the needs of ensuring the defense of the state. It is not considered a violation to transfer property, provide services by a non-profit organization, use the income of a non-profit organization to finance expenses not related to the implementation of the goals and activities determined by its constituent documents, provided that such services, property are voluntarily provided to the above organizations. For more detailed information, you can order an accountant's consultation from us.

Question. Now I am faced with the fact that in accounting there are a lot of different little things that only an experienced accountant can know, without which, unfortunately, my store, my business is now left. Received a notification from the tax office about the need to correct errors in the tax invoice. I tried to find out during what period I should have time to do this, for which I received brief information - in case of failure to correct it within 15 calendar days - a fine of 10% of the VAT amount in this invoice, and so on. What does it mean - and so on? 10/27/2022

  • Answer. Yes, there really is a certain schedule, without falling into which, when correcting errors in the tax invoice, the amount of the fine increases. If not corrected within a period of 16 to 30 calendar days, then the penalty is already in the amount of 20% of the VAT amount in this invoice, if in the period from 31 to 60 days, a fine of 30% of the VAT amount, and so on - after the expiration 180 days and non-corrections - a penalty of 100% of the VAT amount. In general, working with tax invoices, as well as working with corrections, is a job for an experienced accountant. We can provide accounting services to support your business, contact us at the phone numbers listed on the site.

Question. I turned to our accountant, who partly deals with legal issues with us, and can always give information on both accounting and legal issues, is it true that it is accepted, the registration of women in military registration is now only voluntary, and not as it used to be Recently we were scared that everyone should be registered? She confirmed. That's for sure? 11/02/2022

  • Answer. That's right, the president has already signed a law on the military registration of women on a voluntary basis, in specialties or professions related to the corresponding military registration specialty. To do this, they must be fit for military service for health reasons and age. Mandatory military registration applies to those women whose professions are related to the medical field.

Question. How to report for the 4th quarter, if we switched from 5% single to 2% from November 1, when to report for October? 11/07/2022

  • Answer. You will need to submit two declarations. One for November (by 2%) no later than December 20 and a single tax declaration for the fourth quarter (in fact, only October will go there) within 40 calendar days after the end of the quarter (i.e., in the usual quarterly terms). If you have any questions on what forms to report to the tax office, or how to correctly calculate the amount of income by periods, we recommend that you contact our accounting and tax accounting specialists for advice.

Question. Can the tax authority require the payer to provide a bank statement? 11/15/2022

  • Answer. If we are talking about an audit by the tax authorities, then after the start of the audit, the taxpayer is obliged to provide officials of regulatory authorities in full with all documents related to the subject of the audit, including primary documents (including bank statements), financial, statistical and other reporting . At the same time, regulatory authorities have the right to receive information on the volume and turnover of funds on the taxpayer's accounts free of charge from institutions of the National Bank of Ukraine, banks and other financial institutions only on the basis of a court decision. Thus, the payer must provide a bank statement at the time of verification, but may not provide information on the amount of funds and their circulation. We provide accounting services, including support for tax audits in Odesa and Mykolaiv. We will be happy to help.

Question. Interested in the services of an accountant, Odessa, possibly remotely, for payroll, conducting several invoices per month for 50 items of goods, reporting. How much does this service cost you? 11/23/2022

  • Answer. The basic cost of accounting services in Odessa is 4 hours of an accountant's work per month and 7200 UAH, perhaps these hours will be enough, based on your tasks. If the volume of work requires additional time, then each additional hour of the company's work is 1800 UAH. Contact us in any way indicated on the site.

Question. Two of my employees were called up for military service back in March due to martial law. I saved their place of work and transferred wages to the card. Then I learned that in July the situation had changed, now it was only necessary to save the workplace. Now I was told that wages still need to be paid. Is it necessary or not? 12/04/2022

  • Answer. In the spring, they kept their jobs and transferred wages - that's right. Since July - they have only kept their jobs - this is also true. However, in addition to the law adopted in July, there are also clarifications in the Labor Code, which allow the employer, within its powers and at its own expense, to establish additional, in comparison with the law, labor and social benefits for employees. That is, it is possible to keep the average salary for such an employee, but this should be reflected in the collective agreement. To keep abreast of all legislative changes, we offer you the services of an accountant, possibly remotely.

Question. I have an enterprise, albeit a small one, although there is no work now, and the annual reporting is on the nose. I want to turn to professionals for help, as I am already lost in all the numerous changes in legislation. I have electronic keys. 12/14/2022

  • Answer. Of course, we will help you submit reports to the tax and statutory departments. Contact us on any of the phone numbers listed on the site.

Question. I am looking for a specialist in accounting services for my company. I need to submit annual reports, we are not working now, I am out of the country. What can you suggest? 12/22/2022

  • Answer. We are engaged in the delivery of financial statements, including remotely provide services for the delivery of reports. To determine the scope of services and cost, please contact us at one of the contacts listed on the site. We will be happy to help.

Question. The holidays flew by quickly, it's time to submit annual reports. I don't have an accountant right now. I can't figure out these numbers myself. Help me please. 01/12/2023

  • Answer. We provide accounting services. You can contact us using one of the contacts listed on the site. We will be happy to help.

Question. I am interested in accounting services remotely. It is necessary to hand over all annual reporting, the enterprise did not work. I just managed to register last year and it all started. So I don't have an accountant or the ability to submit annual reports myself. 01/22/2023

  • Answer. Of course, we can submit all reports remotely. To determine our further actions, please contact us in any way convenient for you.

Question. I need an accountant's help. How to show the costs of acquiring a license in tax accounting? 01/31/2023

  • Answer. Any intangible assets intended for use in your business activities are subject to depreciation under the tax code. At the same time, the financial result before taxation is increased by the amount of depreciation accrued on these intangible assets (in accordance with national accounting standards or international financial reporting standards). For more information, you can order the service "Consultation of an accountant" or "Accounting business support".

Question. In connection with the current conditions for power outages, a question arises. How to pay employees in the absence of it? 02/09/2023

  • Answer. In fact, according to the law, due to the lack of electricity, the employer must bear all the losses associated with this, namely, pay the average salary for downtime or supply the employee with additional equipment (battery-powered laptops, generators). However, in reality, everything is much more complicated, and primarily due to the lack of available funds. We offer you accounting support of a highly qualified specialist, possibly remotely.

Question. I urgently need to submit my annual return. The accountant who did this last year left the country, but if earlier we decided everything remotely, now she simply does not answer my calls. What to do? 02/17/2023

  • Answer. We will try to help you, but first you need to clarify some points for the accountant. Therefore, we ask you to contact us using the contacts listed on the website, if you are not in Odessa, or come to the office by appointment.

Question. Now there is no accountant who submitted reports on the importance of the enterprise. I said to hand it over myself, all the reports are zero, but something went wrong, the tax was not accepted. Can you help me turn in my annual return by the end of the months? 02/26/2023

  • Answer. There is a good chance that you will be able to help. Call us using the contacts listed on the website.

Question. I got a call from the Statistical Office and was told that the annual balance sheet had not been accepted and an adjustment had to be made. And our accountant has now left and there is no communication with her. 03/07/2023

  • Answer. If you are in Odessa, you can come to our office with primary documents by appointment. If not, please contact us by phone. We will help you submit your annual return.

Question. I used to work at another company, in another area. So, almost every year the company paid us financial assistance, which was not taxed. Now, due to the martial law, such assistance can no longer be paid? 03/14/2023

  • Answer. If we are talking about non-targeted charitable assistance, including material, which is not taxed, if it is provided by a legal entity or individual who is a resident of Ukraine, then the possibility of receiving remains. This year the amount is 3760 UAH. Offer your management our business accounting support, and we will provide all information on legislative changes on time. Including we work remotely.

Question. I heard that from April 1 there will be a new form of tax invoice. Again? Not so long ago, this form changed, only figured out and again changes. Can I get advice? 03/21/2023

  • Answer. Right. From April there will be a new form. Payers are required to register in the Unified Register tax invoices and calculations for adjusting quantitative and cost indicators to tax invoices in a new form, including invoices that were drawn up before April 1, 2023 and are not registered in the register. We can offer advice, and we can also offer accounting services for the company. The scope of services varies, including remote services.

Question. I registered an employment agency abroad and received a license a year ago. Now I heard that the licenses are cancelled. Have I wasted my time, energy and money? And how to work further? 03/29/2023

  • Answer. Most likely, you heard that the Verkhovna Rada adopted a law on protecting the rights of migrant workers and combating fraud in employment abroad. Licensing will be canceled, right, but they will introduce a declarative principle of activity. In order to keep abreast of the changes introduced at the legislative level, we offer accounting support for the company's activities. So you can deal exclusively with business development, transfer all other questions to a professional accountant. To learn more about cooperation options, please contact us in any convenient way.

Question. The company received the status of a VAT payer. I understand that now my reporting will be more thorough. I want to ask the help of a professional accountant. You need to file tax returns. 04/07/2023

  • Answer. We will help you submit all the necessary reports. We can also offer, in addition to one-time assistance, full accounting support for the activities of the enterprise. Trust the professionals, this will give you the opportunity to deal exclusively with business development.

Question. I read in your questions and answers information that also applies to my agency (for employment abroad). Is the law really passed and now our licenses will be cancelled? 04/14/2023

  • Answer. The information you have read is correct. The law was signed by the President on April 11 and will come into force 6 months from the date of publication. We can also offer you accounting support for the activities of the agency, which includes not only financial statements, but also timely informing about changes on a legislative basis.

Accounting and Legal Services for Small Business in Ukraine

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