отчуждение земельного участка


  • Full range of services.
  • As soon as possible.
  • High quality.
  • Guaranteed results.

Preliminary consultation

4000.00 UAH


You own a plot of land and you want it:

  • Sell.
  • Exchange.
  • Present.
  • Donate.
  • Give your ex-spouse to draw up a termination agreement for maintenance.
  • To transfer to a lease.
  • Contribute to the company's share capital.
  • To be paid as a membership fee to a non-profit organisation.
  • Hand over to the state to meet public needs.
  • To dispose of the land otherwise.

Then you will need a legal service: LAND ALIENATION.


LC «EUROVECTOR» offer comprehensive legal services for the disposal of land. We will examine in detail the documentation of your land plot and explain in detail the advantages and disadvantages of different methods of disposing of land, the benefits of each, the possible risks and dangers concerning your particular property.

Our specialists will help you understand all the aspects and subtleties of various civil law transactions concerning the transfer of land ownership, help you choose the most advantageous way of registering property and choose the fastest and most convenient procedure for you to alienate a land plot.

We guarantee the legality and profitability of the transaction, preparation of all the documents required for the transaction, trouble-free and expeditious execution of your chosen transaction at the notary, and if necessary – protection of your rights in court.

By contacting us you will receive the following benefits:

  • Qualified advice before a transaction takes place.
  • Assessing all possible risks and minimising the costs of disposing of the land.
  • Collection and preparation of all missing documents.
  • Transaction support at notaries, valuation agencies, registration offices and other organisations.
  • Monitoring and due diligence of the disposal of land.
  • Defend your rights in court if necessary.
  • Formatting entitlement documentation and other.

 READ MORE: Procedure for alienating a land plot

It is no secret that land can be the subject of all kinds of transactions. And in such transactions, especially those involving the disposal of land, many legal issues arise.

For example:

  • What is land alienation?
  • Where should I apply to make the transaction?
  • What documents do I need to do this?
  • What is the procedure for disposing of the land itself?
  • How to minimise risk and taxes?
  • And much more.

We should start at the simplest, i.e., with a definition of land alienation. Alienation of a land plot — is the transfer of ownership from one person to another through various transactions: sale, gift, donation, exchange, rent, division of property, termination of the right to child support in connection with the transfer of ownership of immovable property, etc.

The procedure for disposing of a land plot is summarised as follows.

  • Preparation of the documentation required for the transaction - these are the documents:
    • Proof of your identity: passport and fiscal code.
    • Proof of ownership of the land: land deed, certificate of ownership.
    • Land valuation – needed to calculate taxation. You can find out more about this document in the article:  «Expert real estate valuation».
    • Indicating that a cadastral number has been obtained, if the given land plot has not been previously assigned this number. Most often, the need to obtain a cadastral number arises upon the sale of land plots that have been registered under an old deed. You can read more about this in our article: «Assigning a cadastral number».
    • In addition to those listed above, other documents may be required, depending on whether the land plot contains any real estate, whether the landowner has a spouse or whether there are other important circumstances that may affect the transaction. 
  • Submission of prepared documents to the notary.
  • Checking the site for land alienation bans (seizure, mortgage, etc.).
  • Immediate execution of the contract and payment of taxes for the transaction.
  • Registration of title deeds for the new owner (if necessary).

It is worth mentioning that in the process of disposing of a land plot, the parties to the transaction usually try to minimise the risks associated with the transaction and, of course, want to reduce taxes. For this purpose, a deed of gift is often used instead of a land purchase agreement. Such an agreement will indeed reduce the tax required for such a transaction, but on the other hand, it will also increase the risks for the seller, because in the case of invalidation of such an agreement, the former owner of the land will find it difficult to recover his money, since the documents – it was a gift, which is transferred free of charge.

That is why it is so important, before carrying out any civil law transaction, especially one involving land, to consult and check the documents with qualified lawyers, who will not only check the documentation and determine the legality and profitability of the transaction, but will also prepare all the documents required for it.

You should also remember that there are cases where the notary may refuse to carry out the transaction due to lack of a document or information, doubts about the validity of documents or the legal capacity of a person, etc.

In all of the above cases, in order to minimise negative risks, it is better to contact a company with many years of experience in dealing with land issues, which will help you avoid unnecessary financial and time losses when disposing of land.

LC «EUROVECTOR» has 8 years of practical experience in the field of land law, especially in issues of land alienation and tax minimisation for the parties to such agreements. We will be able to bypass any «pitfalls in contracts in the implementation of these transactions, help to deal with the choice of disposal method most beneficial to you, the order of the disposal of land and the preparation of the required documents. In addition, we will undertake support of all stages of the transaction and guarantee its legality. Trust our experts, who have vast experience and positive references in this field.


The disposal of a land plot is a complex procedure which requires a lot of financial and labour costs. If you decide to carry out such a transaction, you will need to study in detail the entire procedure for disposing of a land plot and familiarise yourself with all the possible benefits and risks involved in this procedure.

Not only will you need to familiarise yourself with the possible ways of disposing of land, but you will also need to gather a lot of documents, check the contractor's documentation, make sure the transaction is legal and pay the statutory tax for carrying out the disposition.

It is worth noting that you will not be able to sell, buy, donate, exchange or donate land if you do not have the proper documents to carry out land transfers, change the size of shares in common ownership, etc.

In addition, incorrectly executed documents for the disposal of a land plot may result not only in the refusal of a notary to conclude such an agreement, but also in the recognition of the transaction as invalid and, accordingly, its cancellation, with all the ensuing consequences, payment of fines, penalties, loss of taxes paid, notary fees and, in some cases, the total loss of the money received for the plot.

Therefore, you need to be 100% sure of the legality of the transaction and the correctness of all the required documentation, and for this it is better to contact a lawyer or an attorney specialising in issues related to the disposal of land, who has extensive practical experience in this field.




Note / Characterization


Passport, identification code

Original and copy


Legal documents of title

State certificate or certificate of ownership of the land.

Obligatorily with a cadastral number, and if not, we can help you register.


Supplementary documents

Depending on the method of disposal, the nature of the parties to the contract and other factors, a more detailed list can be provided after you have had a look at your land


Power of attorney

Original, certified by a notary



Name of package of services

A range of services may include:




Alienation of a land plot

1 Legal advice from our lawyers.

2 Analysis and collection of documents prior to the transaction.

3 Analysis of a possible deal and contract.

4 Sending the documents to a notary to carry out the transaction.

5 Support at all stages of the transaction, from filing documents to appealing against a notary's decisions or defending rights in court if necessary.

6 Obtaining documents to prove the transaction.

Depend on availability of documents, method of disposing of the land, etc.

Determined after prior consultation


EUROVECTOR LAW COMPANY has been providing services to individuals and legal entities since 2008. We have developed the company and gained respect for ourselves thanks to the chosen concept of powerful principles: competence, confidence, legitimacy and reliability. The clients of the company receiving services from us feel these four principles of guarantees and choose us as reliable partners and worthy advisers in achieving their intentions. But every new client, like us, has a goal!


Find a decent contractor, get a quality service from him in a short time and make a generous reward to such a contractor.


Find a decent customer, provide him with a quality service in a short time and get a decent reward.


1Ordering a preliminary consultation.

2Determination with a specialist of the company of the list of activities necessary to achieve the goals of the customer.

3Displaying certain services and activities for them in a service agreement.

4Conclusion of the contract: in electronic form (public contract) in accordance with the legislation on e-commerce or at the company's office.


      Payment for company services - remuneration:  ▼


  • to the company's current account according to the electronic invoice. After the conclusion of the contract, the manager sends a link to the e-invoice payment page. After payment, the customer will receive a fiscal receipt by e-mail confirming payment for services;
  • to the company's current account according to the printed invoice. After the conclusion of the contract, the manager sends an invoice to the customer's e-mail or personally in the company's office for payment of services. The customer makes payment at a bank branch or in the electronic account of his bank. After payment at a bank branch or through a personal banking account, the Customer will receive a receipt from the bank confirming payment for services;
  • in cash at the company's office;
  • on the official website of the company - online store UK EUROVECTOR.


6Achievement of the set goal by both parties.



The conclusion of a public contract in accordance with the legislation on electronic commerce or the conclusion of an agreement at the company's office and receipt of payment confirmation (receipt or fiscal check) is a legal confirmation of the fact of the conclusion of the contract. From that moment on, both parties guarantee to fulfill the terms of the contract:

  • customer - provide the necessary documents and information for the company to perform services, make payment;
  • company - perform services.



City: Odesa

ADDRESS:  St. Velyka Arnautska 45

Time of receipt: Monday - Friday 10:00АМ - 5:30РМ



consultations: seven days a week 09:00АМ - 7:30РМ

Chat Center: seven days a week 09:00АМ - 9:30РМ


Registration for admission is carried out on the following contacts:


 +38 (094) 9973105
 +38 (093) 1907047
 +38 (098) 1891818
 +38 (099) 5182838

Messengers: WeChat ID: eurovector2008

E-mail: info@evrovektor.com


City: Mykolayiv

ADDRESS: st. Artilleriyskaya 19/1, office 305

Time of receipt:an appointment with the Mykolayiv city office will resume after the end of martial law. The provision of services is carried out remotely.


consultations: seven days a week 09:00АМ - 7:30РМ

Chat Center: seven days a week 09:00АМ - 9:30РМ


Registration for admission is carried out on the following contacts:


 +38 (094) 9973105
 +38 (093) 1907047
 +38 (098) 1891818
 +38 (099) 5182838

Messengers: WeChat ID: eurovector2008

E-mail: info@evrovektor.com


City: Kyiv

ADDRESS: st. George Kirpa 2-B

Time of receipt: an appointment with the Kyiv city office will resume after the end of martial law. The provision of services is carried out remotely.


consultations: seven days a week 09:00АМ - 7:30РМ

Chat Center:seven days a week 09:00АМ - 9:30РМ


Registration for admission is carried out on the following contacts:


 +38 (094) 9973105
 +38 (093) 1907047
 +38 (098) 1891818
 +38 (099) 5182838

Messengers: WeChat ID: eurovector2008

E-mail: info@evrovektor.com


  • Time zone in Ukraine - Eastern European Time (EET): summer time - UTC +3, standard time - UTC +2.


Call the office of the legal company EUROVECTOR or fill out an application on the website - 5 minutes.

Administrator answer, appointment for a consultation with a specialist - 5 min.

Pays for the consultation, provides the company with information, documents for a preliminary consultation - 10 min.

Contacts the customer, studies his goals, facts, circumstances, documents and conducts a consultation - draws up a list of activities and documents necessary to achieve the goal - from 20 minutes.

Orders the services of the company specified in the consultation to achieve the final goal - 10 min.

Draws up a contract, accepts an order for services necessary to achieve the goals of the customer - 10 min.

Provides documents and takes part if necessary.

Performs the service - established by the contract timing.

Receives performed services from LC EUROVECTOR - 20 min.

Transfers the completed services to the Customer - 20 min.

Total - 45 minutes

Total terms established by the contract.


Dear readers, partners, clients of the company. We try to keep our articles described in the services up to date and promptly make changes to them, however, LC EUROVECTOR does not guarantee that the services, procedures, list of documents, government payments or the cost of our services described in this article are up to date at the time of reading the article by you.

Articles for services, described on the website of the LC EUROVECTOR, – the vision and opinion of the authors, and the services themselves, offered by the law firm, are advisory in nature and reflect the relevance of legislative acts at the time of publication of the service.

Information, references to legislation or to other articles on the services of LC EUROVECTOR do not guarantee their relevance or full scope, since:

1 Today the legislation of Ukraine has a tendency to constant changes, additions and exceptions.

2 The information may be sufficient for the provision of services by LC EUROVECTOR, but not enough for independent use. Before you independently carry out the procedures described in this article, service, you should carefully read the current legislation. In addition to legislation, there are also practical aspects of its application and technical features of various procedures.

We will be grateful if you contact our specialists.

land ownership

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