Registration of Charitable institution

Registration of Charitable institution.

  • Full range of services.
  • As soon as possible.
  • High quality.
  • Guaranteed results.

Basic cost

14500.00 UAH


  • Do you want to invest some of your money in a good cause?
  • Do you want to carry out charitable assistance and make sure that this aid reaches the final destination?
  • Are you ready to transfer charity from the companies?
  • Do you have a verbal agreement with the international community on the implementation of international charity programs (grants)?
  • Do you want to acquire a reputation as a benefactor?
  • You want to carry out charitable activities in the manner prescribed by law?

In this case, you need to register non-governmental organizations to provide charitable activity.


One of the directions of our company is registration of commercial and non-commercial organizations, providing the client the most complete set of ready-made services.

This complex may include the following services:

  • Consultation on the establishment of charitable institutions.
  • Assistance and preparation of a full package of documents for registration and registration of charities in all funds, institutions responsible for the accounting of such organizations.
  • Legal support of the opening of your institution.
  • Preparation of material and technical base for the activities of charity
  • Legal and financial support of charitable institutions


There are several forms of charitable organization:

Charitable institution – charitable organization, which founding act defines the assets that one or several of the founders transfer to achieve the purposes of charitable activities, at the expense of these assets or income from those assets. Constitutive Act may be in the testament. The founder or founders of the charitable institutions do not participate in the management of this organization.

Assets (income), disposed by charitable institutions

Charitable organizations may have the right of ownership and other property rights and assets, securities, land, other movable and immovable property, as well as intangible assets.

Using of the above-mentioned assets or revenues must not be contrary to the purposes of charity.

The size of the administrative costs of charitable institutions may not exceed 20% of the income of the organization for the last year year.

One of the methods used to achieve the purposes of charitable assistance, which may make charitable institution is a public collection of charitable donations.

Public collection of charitable donations – voluntary collection of targeted assistance in the form of funds or property among an indefinite number of persons, in particular using the methods of electronic communications or telecommunications, in order to achieve charitable purposes.

Persons involved in a public collection of charitable donations on behalf of the charitable organizations operate on the basis of notarized power of attorney of head of a charitable organization. The power of attorney contains goals, the place, terms of collecting funds or other property, the procedure for their use and the order of the general access to the financial records of the charitable organization.


Please note:. Public officials, as well as persons authorized by them, have no right of the public collection of charitable funds, except for certain cases provided by the Law. One of these cases is the public collection of charitable donations to support combat mobilization readiness, combat effectiveness and functioning of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. The procedure of this activity is determined by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine.


Law company EUROVECTOR has been providing sevices in the sphere of law for 8 years. Our clients satisfied with one service continue to cooperate with us on may others.


Get service for the sortest terms and you are ready to reward the performer.


Perform qualified assistance in the shortest terms for reward.



Performance of parties' obligences is guaranteed by fixation of all the agreements on paper. Conclusion of the contract in the company's office and payment of remuneration to company's account ensures maximum safety for both parties.



City: Odessa

ADDRESS:  St. Velyka Arnautska 45

Time of receipt: Monday - Friday 10:00АМ - 5:30РМ



consultations: seven days a week 09:00АМ - 7:30РМ

Chat Center: seven days a week 09:00АМ - 9:30РМ


Registration for admission is carried out on the following contacts:


 +38 (094) 9973105
 +38 (093) 1907047
 +38 (098) 1891818
 +38 (099) 5182838

Messengers: WeChat ID: eurovector2008




City: Mykolayiv

ADDRESS: st. Artilleriyskaya 19/1, office 305

Time of receipt:an appointment with the Mykolayiv city office will resume after the end of martial law. The provision of services is carried out remotely.


consultations: seven days a week 09:00АМ - 7:30РМ

Chat Center: seven days a week 09:00АМ - 9:30РМ


Registration for admission is carried out on the following contacts:


 +38 (094) 9973105
 +38 (093) 1907047
 +38 (098) 1891818
 +38 (099) 5182838

Messengers: WeChat ID: eurovector2008




City: Kyiv

ADDRESS: st. George Kirpa 2-B

Time of receipt: an appointment with the Kyiv city office will resume after the end of martial law. The provision of services is carried out remotely.


consultations: seven days a week 09:00АМ - 7:30РМ

Chat Center:seven days a week 09:00АМ - 9:30РМ


Registration for admission is carried out on the following contacts:


 +38 (094) 9973105
 +38 (093) 1907047
 +38 (098) 1891818
 +38 (099) 5182838

Messengers: WeChat ID: eurovector2008



  • Time zone in Ukraine - Eastern European Time (EET): summer time - UTC +3, standard time - UTC +2.


Call the office of the legal company EUROVECTOR or fill out an application on the website - 5 minutes.

Administrator answer, appointment for a consultation with a specialist - 5 min.

Pays for the consultation, provides the company with information, documents for a preliminary consultation - 10 min.

Contacts the customer, studies his goals, facts, circumstances, documents and conducts a consultation - draws up a list of activities and documents necessary to achieve the goal - from 20 minutes.

Orders the services of the company specified in the consultation to achieve the final goal - 10 min.

Draws up a contract, accepts an order for services necessary to achieve the goals of the customer - 10 min.

Provides documents and takes part if necessary.

Performs the service - established by the contract timing.

Receives performed services from LC EUROVECTOR - 20 min.

Transfers the completed services to the Customer - 20 min.

Total - 45 minutes

Total terms established by the contract.


Dear readers, partners, clients of the company. We try to keep our articles described in the services up to date and promptly make changes to them, however, LC EUROVECTOR does not guarantee that the services, procedures, list of documents, government payments or the cost of our services described in this article are up to date at the time of reading the article by you.

Articles for services, described on the website of the LC EUROVECTOR, – the vision and opinion of the authors, and the services themselves, offered by the law firm, are advisory in nature and reflect the relevance of legislative acts at the time of publication of the service.

Information, references to legislation or to other articles on the services of LC EUROVECTOR do not guarantee their relevance or full scope, since:

1 Today the legislation of Ukraine has a tendency to constant changes, additions and exceptions.

2 The information may be sufficient for the provision of services by LC EUROVECTOR, but not enough for independent use. Before you independently carry out the procedures described in this article, service, you should carefully read the current legislation. In addition to legislation, there are also practical aspects of its application and technical features of various procedures.

We will be grateful if you contact our specialists.

Good afternoon! Documents were lost and with them an extract on the registration of an all-Ukrainian public organization, how can it be restored?


  • Good afternoon, we provide document recovery services for the all-Ukrainian public organization.

Register Public union

Registration of a Charity Fund in Ukraine, USA, Bulgaria, Estonia.

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