Opening of the restaurant in Ukraine.

Opening of the restaurant in Ukraine.

  • Full range of services.
  • As soon as possible.
  • High quality.
  • Guaranteed results.

Base cost

150000.00 UAH


If you want to:

  • immerse into the world of cooking;
  • to please your friends, acquaintances, neighbors and citizens of your city with delicious food and comfortable atmosphere;
  • bring to life the masterpieces of culinary art;
  • immerse into the exciting restaurant business;
  • to create unique and original dishes;

and to fully enjoy the cultural diversity  of multinational kitchens.

Then the best solution is opening a restaurant, cafes, snack bars, etc.


Legal company "EUROVECTOR" provides high quality legal services for arrangement, support, and opening of restaurants, cafes, bars, snack bars, canteens and other catering businesses. Our lawyers will prepare all required documents: contracts, statutes, licenses, patents, certificates of quality, instructions, permissions, and more.

We guarantee qualified assistance at all stages of solving this problem:

  • To collect the necessary information for drawing up a business plan;
  • Assistance with choosing legal form of the business:
  • Сhoice of the taxation system, as well as in the organization of accounting;
  • Prepare and coordinate the necessary title documents and permits, depending on the specifics of your restaurant:
    • charter development;
    • registration of a business entity;
    • obtaining permits from SES;
    • advertising billboards approvals;
    • Cash register;
    • registration of a license for retail sale of alcoholic beverages;
    • a license for retail sale of tobacco products;
    • registration of patents and certificates of quality, etc.
  • Find the fitting facilities:
    • Conclusion of rent contract;
    • purchase of premises, fully prepared for the restaurant business;
    • purchase, lease of land for the construction of the restaurant;
    • obtaining a permit for the construction of the restaurant;
    • reconstruction and technical re-equipment;
    • commissioning of the completed building;
    • Changing of the purpose of land or other property for the possibility of opening a restaurant, cafe, etc.
  • Recruitment of staff:
    • Preparation of employment contracts;
    • preparation of job descriptions;
    • obtaining work permits for foreigners;
    • organization of medical examination for professional suitability;
    • occupational Safety and Health;
    • preparation of internal documents of the enterprise, etc.
  • Develop and negotiate contracts with suppliers and partners;
  • Consultation in the preparation and registration of technical conditions (for the preparation and delivery of ready meals, confectionery, beverages);
  • Arrangement of instant opening of the restaurant and further legal support of business.


Restaurants – legal aspects!

Restaurants are one of the most promising types of business in any country. Despite the instability of the economy restaurant business is always in demand and with the right organization process is highly profitable. In recent years there are opened more and more new restaurants with quite large number of dishes.

We can say with certainty that today the number of elite restaurants is optimal. But for the majority of the population cafes and restaurants are the best way to invest into business. And the fact that the menus make emphasis on a wide range of dishes of different national cuisines attracts a growing number of clients and, consequently, increases the profitability of the business.

We should not forget that the restaurant business, in fact, like any other, must be conducted in strict accordance with current legislation, which is very important, because the legal matching during the opening of restaurant plays a major role in the management of the business.

It's hard to imagine working and thriving business in the field of cooking without having properly designed permits. The whole restaurant business is regulated by many different laws, which violation leads to many serious sanctions that can only be prevented by following all established rules.

To open a restaurant, café, bar or other culinary institution you  must first collect information for the compilation of the business plan and calculation of profitability. First we need to determine the type of restaurant business, you want to open:

  • Restaurant (deluxe, superior, first);
  • Restaurant and Bar (deluxe, superior, first);
  • Bar (deluxe, superior, first);
  • night club;
  • beer hall;
  • cafe;
  • cafe-bar;
  • cafe-bakery;
  • youth café;
  • Cafe-milk;
  • ice cream parlor;
  • tearoom;
  • Café-child;
  • café machine;
  • coffee house;
  • tea room;
  • cafeteria;
  • canteen;
  • Eatery of common type;
  • eatery-Pie Shop;
  • eatery-Dumpling;
  • eatery-barbecue;
  • eatery-pancakes;
  • eatery-sausage;
  • eatery-donut;
  • buffet;
  • home kitchen;
  • Home Bakery;
  • homemade confectionery;
  • restaurant for special orders;
  • cooking store (excluding production);
  • store cooking with production.

The next important step is finding premises:

  • premises for rent, suitable for restaurant business; 
  • purchase fully equipped premises; 
  • search for land for the construction of the restaurant; 
  • examination of the technical documentation;
  • obtaining permits from extinguish the construction or reconstruction of the restaurant, changing in the functional purpose of the premises, etc.;
  • Development of planning documentation;
  • construction work;
  • Commissioning of the restaurant and the registration of property rights;
  • technical equipping of a facility;
  • legalization of the property

Next you will need to do no less important issues – registration of a business entity and registration of various permitting documents:

  • Preparation of constituent documents;
  • Registration of an individual entrepreneur or legal entity;
  • Obtaining patents, licenses, permits from SES and the Ministry of Emergency Situations;
  • Certification of restaurant business services, etc. 

need qualified legal assistance of professionals specializing in the restaurant business is required for almost all of these processes, because in fact the design and coordination of the various documents and permits is one of the most difficult stages in the opening of restaurant.

Legal company "EuroVector" is ready to offer you wide range of legal services for organizing a restaurant. Opening of the restaurant from the ground up and to protect the rights of restaurateurs, approval of documents, hiring personnel and the legal verification of restaurants - this is our strong point.

Therefore, if you want to insure your restaurant business on the likelihood of non-compliance with the current laws then call LC "EuroVector" and your institution will be duly formalized and legalized. We coordinate all the necessary documents and permits, we will help to avoid unnecessary taxes and possible penalties.


Restaurant business has a mass of legal nuances; whose understanding without the assistance of highly qualified lawyers is quite difficult and each mistake is followed by serious consequences.

In accordance with art. 17 of the Law of Ukraine "On state regulation of production and turnover of ethyl alcohol, cognac and fruit, alcoholic beverages and tobacco products": for trading without a license business entities are sanctioned by a fine 200% of the value of the goods, but not less than 1700 UAH. In the case of non-business entity decision of the supervisory authority of the imposition of a fine, a penalty will be charged on the basis of a court decision.

Retail sale of alcohol or tobacco products without a license entails administrative liability of company officials. According to Article 156 of the Code of Administrative Offences amount of the fine is from 850 to 3400 UAH. with confiscation of alcoholic beverages (tobacco products) and the proceeds from their sale. A second violation will result in a fine for a year from 2550 to 4250 UAH. with confiscation of trade items.

It should also be noted that not passing inspection of SES and / or MES can lead to large fines and a ban on conducting business activities and revocation of licenses / permits.


The opening of the restaurant cost

Services list




Analysis of the material and technical base

by 1 w.d.



Drawing up a report on the list of events for the opening of restaurant

1 w.d.



Legal support of registration:

  • Entepreneur;
  • entity  PE, LLC, ALC...;
  • Representative office in Ukraine;
  • enterprises with foreign investment, etc.

5 w.d.



Legal support of real estate transactions, re-equipment, legalization:

  • premises for rent, suitable for restaurant business;
  • purchase of fully equipped premises;
  • search for land for the construction of the restaurant;
  • examination of the technical documentation;
  • obtaining permits from extinguish the construction or reconstruction of the restaurant, change of the functional purpose of the premises, etc.;
  • Development of planning documentation;
  • construction work;
  • Commissioning of the restaurant and registration of property rights;
  • technical equipping;
  • legalization of the property.




Occupational safety and health




Organization of medical examination for professional suitability




Development of specifications (for the preparation and delivery of ready meals, confectionery, beverages)




Preparation and submission of documents for registration of restaurants, cafes, pizzerias, bars, kiosks, stalls, etc. in the register of facilities engaged in the production and / or treatment of food (SES)

30 w.d.



Matching the outlet mode

20 w.d.



Declaration on material and tehnchnical base (MOE)

10 w.d.



Cash register

10 w.d.



License for the retail sale of alcoholic beverages and tobacco products

15 w.d.



Authorization to advertisement bill board

90 days



Installing software

5 w.d.



Range of services for the city of Kiev, Odessa, Illichivsk (Chernomorsk)




Accounting and legal services

1 month


DAC – is determined after prior consultation.


Law company EUROVECTOR has been providing sevices in the sphere of law for 8 years. Our clients satisfied with one service continue to cooperate with us on may others.


Get service for the sortest terms and you are ready to reward the performer.


Perform qualified assistance in the shortest terms for reward.



Performance of parties' obligences is guaranteed by fixation of all the agreements on paper. Conclusion of the contract in the company's office and payment of remuneration to company's account ensures maximum safety for both parties.



City: Odessa

ADDRESS:  St. Velyka Arnautska 45

Time of receipt: Monday - Friday 10:00АМ - 5:30РМ



consultations: seven days a week 09:00АМ - 7:30РМ

Chat Center: seven days a week 09:00АМ - 9:30РМ


Registration for admission is carried out on the following contacts:


 +38 (094) 9973105
 +38 (093) 1907047
 +38 (098) 1891818
 +38 (099) 5182838

Messengers: WeChat ID: eurovector2008




City: Mykolayiv

ADDRESS: st. Artilleriyskaya 19/1, office 305

Time of receipt:an appointment with the Mykolayiv city office will resume after the end of martial law. The provision of services is carried out remotely.


consultations: seven days a week 09:00АМ - 7:30РМ

Chat Center: seven days a week 09:00АМ - 9:30РМ


Registration for admission is carried out on the following contacts:


 +38 (094) 9973105
 +38 (093) 1907047
 +38 (098) 1891818
 +38 (099) 5182838

Messengers: WeChat ID: eurovector2008




City: Kyiv

ADDRESS: st. George Kirpa 2-B

Time of receipt: an appointment with the Kyiv city office will resume after the end of martial law. The provision of services is carried out remotely.


consultations: seven days a week 09:00АМ - 7:30РМ

Chat Center:seven days a week 09:00АМ - 9:30РМ


Registration for admission is carried out on the following contacts:


 +38 (094) 9973105
 +38 (093) 1907047
 +38 (098) 1891818
 +38 (099) 5182838

Messengers: WeChat ID: eurovector2008



  • Time zone in Ukraine - Eastern European Time (EET): summer time - UTC +3, standard time - UTC +2.


Call the office of the legal company EUROVECTOR or fill out an application on the website - 5 minutes.

Administrator answer, appointment for a consultation with a specialist - 5 min.

Pays for the consultation, provides the company with information, documents for a preliminary consultation - 10 min.

Contacts the customer, studies his goals, facts, circumstances, documents and conducts a consultation - draws up a list of activities and documents necessary to achieve the goal - from 20 minutes.

Orders the services of the company specified in the consultation to achieve the final goal - 10 min.

Draws up a contract, accepts an order for services necessary to achieve the goals of the customer - 10 min.

Provides documents and takes part if necessary.

Performs the service - established by the contract timing.

Receives performed services from LC EUROVECTOR - 20 min.

Transfers the completed services to the Customer - 20 min.

Total - 45 minutes

Total terms established by the contract.


Dear readers, partners, clients of the company. We try to keep our articles described in the services up to date and promptly make changes to them, however, LC EUROVECTOR does not guarantee that the services, procedures, list of documents, government payments or the cost of our services described in this article are up to date at the time of reading the article by you.

Articles for services, described on the website of the LC EUROVECTOR, – the vision and opinion of the authors, and the services themselves, offered by the law firm, are advisory in nature and reflect the relevance of legislative acts at the time of publication of the service.

Information, references to legislation or to other articles on the services of LC EUROVECTOR do not guarantee their relevance or full scope, since:

1 Today the legislation of Ukraine has a tendency to constant changes, additions and exceptions.

2 The information may be sufficient for the provision of services by LC EUROVECTOR, but not enough for independent use. Before you independently carry out the procedures described in this article, service, you should carefully read the current legislation. In addition to legislation, there are also practical aspects of its application and technical features of various procedures.

We will be grateful if you contact our specialists.

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