Document preparation for non-residents

The paperwork for foreigners in Ukraine

Confirmation of child's citizenship, Ukraine, obtaining a certificate of confirmation of child's citizenship of Ukraine

от 10 р.д. 15300.00 UAH

Certificate (document) of a stateless person for travel abroad, Ukraine. Document preparation for departure of stateless persons abroad.

от 10 р.д. 18000.00 UAH

Registration of place of residence in Ukraine

Basic cost 2500.00 UAH

Exchange of a permanent or temporary residence permit document in ukraine

22 р.д. 8300.00 UAH

Removal from the registration of place of residence

Consultation 2000.00 UAH

Registration of place of residence of a child under 14 years old in Ukraine

Consultation 2000.00 UAH

Temporary certificate of a citizen of Ukraine

от 10 р.д. 13000.00 UAH

Acquisition of citizenship of Ukraine by child through adoption

Basic cost 25000.00 UAH

Registration of status of Ukrainian abroad. Obtaining a certificate of Ukrainian abroad.

від 3 міс. 16500.00 UAH

Adoption of the citizenship of Ukraine

Basic cost 58000.00 UAH

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